3 Rules! How to Wake Up Your Creativity in the Push of a Mental Button?
I have had the honor and pleasure to recently speak at a panel about creativity hosted by the wonderful LIT College Tour organization that serves underserved children and young adults in seven major metropolitan areas across the US. Working in the advertising industry for the past three years has definitely involved a great degree of creativity and innovative way of thinking. It would be prudent to assume that at this stage of my professional career creativity has started to become a cinch. I could utilize it in the push of a mental button at any given moment and that it is an innate instinct. However, only the first part of the previous statement is true. Creativity could be implemented consistently in our line of work and this is what makes the distinction between simply a good strategic planning executive and a high class one. It is not innate instinct but it could become disciplined into a person by following three very simple rules on a regular basis: (1) take some time before going to bed to write down the ideas that popped up in your mind throughout the day, (2) have long walks each morning individually as these are a wonderful outlet for your creative fuse, (3) make it a goal to read a new book on a topic that interests you each week. The book does not have to be related to your line of work. True inspiration, which would grab you by the jugular vein, could come from any source. You can watch my participation in the LIT College Tour marketing panel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDcYwyw5ubk